The sole shareholder

The sole shareholder

The hundred-per-cent constitutor for JSC «Kaztemirtrans» is the Joint-stock company «National company «Kazakhstan temir zholy» (JSC «NC «KTZ» hereinafter).

100% of JSC «NC «KTZ» shares belong to the joint-stock company «National well-being Fund «Samruk-Kazyna» with the hundred-per-cent participation of the state in its authorized capital, which was made for such purposes as providing with effective management of joint-stock companies.

JSC «NC «KTZ» realizes the owning and using of the main-line railway system in the Republic of Kazakhstan, provides cargo and passenger transportation, transports the considerable part of export load gross volume from Kazakhstan.

The Republic state enterprise «Kazakhstan temir zholy» was established by the decision of the Republic of Kazakhstan Government from 31 January 1997 № 129 «About the reorganization of the Republic of Kazakhstan railways enterprises» by force of merging of the republic state enterprises: the Almaty railway management, the Virgin railway management and the West-Kazakhstan railway management. The aim of the merging became the optimization of the transportation process management structure and excessive sections liquidation, the financial-economic recovering of the railway sector.

By the decision of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 15 March 2002 № 310 «About the Close Corporation «National company «Kazakhstan temir zholy» has been formed the Close Corporation «National company «Kazakhstan temir zholy» by force of merging of the Republic state enterprise «Kazakhstan temir zholy» and his subsidiary state enterprises.

2 April 2004 in compliance with the Republic of Kazakhstan Law from 13 May 2003 «About the joint-stock companies» was produced the re-registration of CC «NC «KTZ» in JSC «NC «KTZ».

At present JSC «NC «KTZ» has a holding structure, based on the providing with the functional integrity and the railway sector management in the transportation process. The sole shareholder of the JSC «NC «KTZ» is the Joint-stock company «National well-being Fund «Samruk-Kazyna» which meets the challenges of the corporative system management improvement, budget transparency providing, manages the JSC «NC «KTZ» activity through the committee of directors, without interfering into its operative work.

In addition, the JSC «NC «KTZ» activity is controlled by the Republic of Kazakhstan transport and communication Ministry, which, according to the Republic of Kazakhstan Law «About the railway transport» from 8 December 2001 № 266-II, as an authorized body exercises the realization of the state politics in the railway sector, coordination, regulation and control of the transport complex activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

JSC «NC «KTZ» exercises such activity kinds as the realization of the function of the main-line railway system operator, the transportation of passengers and loads by the railway transport. The mentioned activity is regulated with accordance to the Republic of Kazakhstan Laws «About the railway transport» and «About the natural monopolies and regulated markets».

The railway transport is the most important constituent of the industrial infrastructure of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The geographical conditions of Kazakhstan (the lack of the sea output, navigable rivers presence), the territory extensiveness, the raw structure of the industry, the industry forces arrangement, auto transport infrastructure underdevelopment make role of the railway transport in economics extremely important.

The railway sector of Kazakhstan is the developing sphere of economics, industrial and technical potential of which stably increases and provides the employment of more than 140 thousand people.

With detailed information about the JSC «NC «KTZ» you can familiarize on the site: www.railways.kz.
